Posted in Live Streaming Script, Periscope Clone

How is it like to have your own live streaming app?

How is it like to have your own live streaming app

Live streaming app is now trending because it has a lot of scopes, especially in business ventures. The live-streaming app can be effectively utilized by the companies to organised meetings and events and also to keep in contact with their target customers. There has been a rising demand for a good live streaming app which can provide good quality streaming and other user-interactive features.

To create a live streaming app all you need is a good live streaming apps script such as life plus which is a periscope clone that resembles live clone in terms of features specifications and performance. Live plus is powered by kurento streaming server, which gives the best video streaming quality. Live plus contains user-friendly interface making it more lively and engaging.

If you create live streaming for business, it would be a new idea and many companies would welcome and engage themselves so as to provide a new way of customer relations. This is especially because the customers always expect new ideas and from their trusted companies. When you create a platform to help in bridging the gap between the organisation and its publics, there’s a great prospect for mutually beneficial relations.

Uses of your live streaming app can start a live video, watch live streaming video, share comment and heart the video that they like, and so on. It is not just interesting but interactive as well which is why many users would join the community. Also, you can customize your app as per your desire which adds uniqueness to your app.

By using a periscope clone script, you can actually create an exact copy of the periscope clone app consisting of every feature that would make a perfect live streaming app. You can download the demo app of live plus from play store or app store and check how it works before you actually create one for yourself. We help you you create your live streaming app within very minimum time.


Are you looking for live streaming App? LivePlus - is the best periscope clone scripts for creating a live streaming web and mobile application. check our live demo today! check our live demo.

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