Posted in Live Streaming Script, Periscope Clone

How Much Does It Cost to Create a Live Streaming App Like Periscope?

How Much Does It Cost to Create a Live Streaming App Like Periscope

Business companies are exploring ways to reach their audience in the easiest way. So far, the readers have lost interest in the uploaded content, be it text or video that explains using jargons which common people can’t understand. Live videos have been one of the best alternatives to this. As the videos are immediate, unprompted and new each time, the viewers really get excited to watch it. Apart from these advantages, live videos can be viewed from any device including computer, phone or tablet which gives an interactive experience and only the users who are interested would stick to watching videos from their favorite users. This makes it target specific and so it saves a lot of time.

More than just watching the videos, the users can interact with the video content creator using comment and heart option. You can build your own live streaming app that has these features by choosing a periscope clone app like Live Plus that has numerous features in a ready made script that can be used to create and launch a live streaming app right away. It is more similar to Facebook live clone and bigo live clone and it allows social logins to make it easier for the users. Users can send messages also using the built-in instant messaging service and send animated content as well.

As the media world is converging, it is time to get well-adapted to this technology to keep up with the trends. Also as almost everyone owns a smartphone, they can retrieve the app easily from play store in case of Android and app store for Apple users.

The overall cost of building such a versatile live video streaming app is very low compared to creating and coding a similar website from the beginning. Also, Live Plus periscope clone comes in an error-free format and can be customized as per the needs of our clients. Try our demo app today and start away with live plus to get yourself an all-new live streaming app for your business venture or any purpose.


Are you looking for live streaming App? LivePlus - is the best periscope clone scripts for creating a live streaming web and mobile application. check our live demo today! check our live demo.

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